December 13, 2011

Paranormal shit fest

Hello My Little Monsters,
Today I am going to write about THE PARANORMAL!!!!!! Which ironically RIGHT before I'm on Skype (t) with David or Lawliet and I saw a mist and it just disappeared, I am a big believer in the paranormal. I will get in to my Beliefs in another blog on 9/8/2011.Anyways So many people don't believe in the paranormal, Little monsters. when i say the Paranormal i mean Ghosts, Demons, the unseen, the shadow people and the things no one can explain... not ufos or anything like that i mean GHOSTS. If you really don't know anything about The Paranormal I should suggest researching it, I love the Paranormal. I've had a lot of activity in my house alone.
I'll tell you a few of my stories.
One evening my parent were out at dinner and it was me and my brother at home, he lives in the basement and the house is creaky. I was taking a shower and my curtains are transparent, and I always lock the door. I apply shampoo and as I'm just humming i hear "Ali" clear as day in a male voice I have never heard before. I look towards my door because if felt like i came from the other side of my door, but sounded like it came from the other side of my curtain after a minute of being frozen I continued to wash my hair and after I got out I texted my brother and asked him if he came up stairs and he said no.
One night I was listening to music and texted my friend Zaqu, I always have the screens facing down and my windows are covered so no light can enter my room at any time of day. My friend Thiago died  February first 2009, I had my eyes closed and out of no where this white, when i say white think of pure white paint, the whitest thing ever, imagine that 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times whiter. through your eye lids. as I opened my eyes this little red light, that only goes off when moved, went off, three feet away from me on my table.

Okay so this was three days after my dear Matthew died, Yet again i was sitting in my room listening to music when I suddenly felt like someone was in the room with me. The person felt familiar and I started talking, because I felt that this person was Matt. I told Matt how I felt, how much I missed him and as soon as I broke down crying, I felt as if they put their arms around me say "It's going to be alright, Ali I'll always be here"...

Those are three of MANY stories I could tell you. So the paranormal is real, and I know many people will say it's not, but I believe that you are saying that because you have never had any Paranormal Activity in your house, or where ever you go. I have ghosts in my room alone. They go where I go, and that is annoying. But My little Monsters, please comment or message me with your Ghost stories I'd love to read them.
Also, If you want to find out more about the Paranormal go visit TAPS, if you Know TAPS YAYS, if not please go visit them.TAPS The Atlantic Paranormal Society also known as Ghost Hunters ((tv show)) and these guys wouldn't fake it, us people from Canandaigua NY don't fuck around.. okay maybe a little.They use things like EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) which is a voice recorder that they up on the computer and listen for things that they didn't say or do. Also, they video tape the things that go on. I believe them, and not just because me and the founder have the same home town. But because I believe what they do is real, if something happens, they try and disprove it and if they can't then they mark it down as Paranormal activity.
I will leave a link and hopefully you'll comment and rate <3.

Love always,
Varia Dracule

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