March 24, 2017


So when I was 13 my dog of 9 years passed away, her name was Snowie. Since I live with my dad most of her life I didn't really count her as MY dog but rather my mom's dog. When I moved back to Maryland to live with my mom they had a puppy named Schneele, who I fell in love with. She was the sweetest dog in the world. the past three dogs i've had have been purebred white German Shepherds.

When I moved back Schneele was about 3 months old. I hadn't had a puppy for about 10 years and I didn't know what to do. I was 13 and I was dropped into a new environment school wise. As I went through High school and after, Schneele had been my rock and  my all time best friend.

On August 24th 2016 we had to put her down. She had Degenerative myelopathy; a  progressive disease of the spinal cord in older dogs. The disease has an insidious onset typically between 8 and 14 years of age. It begins with a loss of coordination (ataxia) in the hind limbs. (Defined by Google) 

She couldn't use her back legs and if she needed to use the bathroom she had to do it laying down. We saw her suffering and pain and we knew we had to do right by her. On July 24th 2016 my mom told me it would have to happen before the year is up. On August 22nd my mom told me when, I called my boss and I was heart broken. 

As you can imagine this is very hard to write about. My friend Liz came over and spent the day with me, she stayed in my room while we went through the very traumatic process of putting her down. I had never put an animal down before, so this was all very new to me. Its very hard to think about and tough to write about. So i'll spare the details.

She was a wonderful dog, and I miss her so very much, and I love her more than that. I got her paw print the day she died and soon after I got it tattooed to my body for the world to see. She means the world to me and I will never forget my wonderful puppy. 

Rest in Peace Bubbies You are still my best friend.

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